Beautiful children singing “Baby Shark” isn’t typically part of a fundraising event (if you’ve never heard the fanciful fish tune, click here) – but there was nothing typical about Catholic Charities Third Annual You Make Miracles Happen Breakfast!
ADM Group, Inc.’s Megan Griego emceed the event (and led the shark anthem, too) as nearly more than 250 people came together last week at Grand Canyon University’s Arena to raise awareness – and money – to support Westside Head Start.
Every year, Westside Head Start (WSHS) and Early Head Start programs serve 1,100 impoverished and homeless kids ages zero to five years old, providing early education that sets a solid foundation for life success. WSHS’s holistic approach extends to the whole family, showing parents how to engage in a child’s education by reading and studying together.

There’s also direct help for parents – WSHS connects them with job training and educational resources to assist in completing a high school GED, associate and bachelor’s degrees. As Megan put it, “Westside Head Start fills the gap between what school districts provide and what families need.”
ADM Group was a proud sponsor of the You Make Miracles Happen event, and we’re equally proud to report it was a success! So far, Catholic Charities is more than half way to its goal of $90,000. All funds raised through this project will be used to expand WSHS classrooms. Catholic Charities President and CEO Paul Mulligan said, “At the moment, we have 19 locations spread across the West Valley. We’re adding more classroom space because the community need is so intense. Without the generosity of those who support us, we wouldn’t be able to sustain this program, let alone build it out.”
Here’s the good news: there is still time to give! To do your part please visit https://www.catholiccharitiesaz.org/donate-to-wshs and make your gift.